Welcome to my blog…this time i ll try to update it regularly…not like the previous one..i even lost the password to my blog…
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Busy Bag Ideas
This afternoon I went shopping and bought 2 packets of multipurpose Velcro straps for rm1.90each. Ada 6 strap dalam satu paket. Now what can I do with them? Banyak benda kita boleh buat dengan straps ni. Yes! Another Busy Bag idea for your toddler. Encourage your child to link the straps together(kemahiran psikomotor halus)). He…
Poster Carta Bunyi Bacalah Anakku
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READEASY PHONICS Multi Sensory Teaching Instructions
According to Tony Buzan, the author of “Brain Child’ the brain learns better if we use colours. In Readeasy Phonics, we use three main colours. Red is for vowels, black for consonants and blue for Look and Say words. The children will understand that red and black letters can be blended whereas blue words are to be memorized. These colour codes will help them decode words easily. The brain also learns…
Bolehkah Saya Menggunakan Bacalah Anakku Dan Readeasy Untuk Mengajar Orang Dewasa Membaca?
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Memuji Anak, Good or Bad?
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Tips Bantu Anak Fokus Belajar 2
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