The American Academy of Pediatrics says that, “cute as they are, babies and toddlers should spend as little time as possible with ‘screens”.

According to a study by Yale Family Television Research, teachers characterized children who watched excessive television as less cooperative, less imaginative, less enthusiastic about learning, and less happy than those who watched little or no TV.

I know it is so difficult for parents not to let their kids sit in front of the screen. This include not letting them play with iPads & smart phone apps.

Apa yang saya lakukan:

1. Educate diri saya . Saya akan membaca research mengenai kebaikan/keburukan tv & media seumpamanya terhadap bayi dan kanak-kanak. Apabila kita tahu media sebegini lebih banyak membawa mudarat daripada kebaikan maka lebih mudah untuk kita jauhkan daripada anak-anak kita.

2. Sediakan pelbagai aktiviti menarik untuk kita lakukan bersama anak-anak kita. Saya suka idea Busy Bags.

Apa itu Busy Bags? Beg atau tupperware yang diisi dengan aktiviti hands on yang mudah dan bersesuaian dengan umur anak kita. Here are some ideas yang mudah dan murah.

Saya guna bekas plastik yang ditebuk lubang, papar clips, beg ziplock. This simple activity will help enhance your child’s hand-eye co-ordination. You can also encourage him/ her to count. Don’t forget to teach colours too! Peringatan: aktiviti ini perlu pengawasan orang dewasa kerana paper clips tu kecik. Apa yang penting di sini anak dapat peluang memegang pelbagai benda. Kalau tengok tv, tengok aje. Kalau iPad, boleh sentuh screen, tapi tak berpeluang sentuh real objects. So have fun with your kids!


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