Amir (11 1/2 years) has been SO excited about Monarch of Madness – a minecraft game which is based on an adventure map, according to him. He likes the clues written on the map. He finds them awesome (his word) and cool ( his word) because they rhyme. And also because they use BIG words and OLD words – nay, thee, bane( I had to google the meaning), null!
So as usual I try my best to be just as excited and encouraged him to make his own rhymes.
Lo and behold he came up with this:
I’m a robber that did a crime. But now i have only a dime.
My dime fell into a drain, and that’s when i complain.
I tried to find a job and i was hired by a guy named Bob!
Then Amir said it was my turn to make a rhyme. Adoi otak tengah blank masa tu.
And this is what he said to me:
My son asked me to make a rhyme. But i have nothing in mind!
Malu weh. So I came up with this:
A boy named henry likes to hurry. He does things in a flurry and got everything topsy turvy. But we like Henry because he’s friendly.
Then I said :
A friendly ghost came to say hi.
And Amir added : But ended up getting a goodbye!
More from Amir:
A girl named Sally that was sick went on a picnic. But sadly she had to go to a clinic.
Robby the robot went for a stroll. But then he fell into a hole.
I added: I had to get him out using a pole.
I then posted the above rhymes on my FB wall and a number of kind friends praised him.
He was so pleased and said he felt appreciated and inspired.
So Amir said:
People like the rhymes I made. I hope my talent doesn’t fade.
More from Amir:
A stranger looks suspicious, maybe he’s doing something malicious.
Then I encouraged him to make a rhyme in BM.
Here’s one from him:
Membaca buku membagi (:0) ilmu, oh anakku!
Mama betulkan:
Membaca buku menambah ilmu, wahai anakku!
Do have fun making rhymes and pantun with your kids!