Ibu bapa tentu biasa dengan senario anak menyepahkan semua mainan di atas lantai. Tunggu dulu! Jangan membebel, jangan marah. Jangan suruh anak simpan balik semua mainannya. Saya ada satu game untuk dikongsi.
Pelbagai mainan memenuhi lantai memberi peluang anda merangsang kemahiran visual anak anda. Lebih tepat lagi kemahiran persepsi objek – latar ( visual figure – ground perception ). Dalam bahasa mudah, kebolehan anak anda mencari objek spesifik di dalam ‘lautan’ pelbagai objek ( busy background ). Make a game out of a mess. Say to your child,
” Along, can you find a dinosaur for me? ”
When he brings you the dinosaur, praise him hard or hug him or swing him in the air. Keep playing until you see signs of boredom. You could take turns with your child. Let him ask you to find a specific object. Of course it would be fun if you pretend you can’t find the object. Just be silly once in a while.
You could also use any busy picture from books, magazines, supermarket flyers, picture dictionaries or an alphabet mat. Ask your child to point to a specific object. Say,
” Cuba Along cari ular dalam gambar ini. “
Or you could just pour plastic alphabet letters or numbers on the floor. Tell you child,
” Go get /m/ for me. “
How does this activity help your child?
1. It makes reading easier. He is able to resume reading a text easily if he pauses.
2. It makes writing easier. He is able to copy words on the board easily if he pauses.
Melalui aktiviti sebegini anda melatih anak anda supaya tidak mudah hilang fokus semasa membaca dan menyalin teks di papan tulis.